5 Morning Tasks That Will Change Your Life

Listen, we are too busy not to have a cleaning routine. Running kids to school, working 9 to 5, and then coming home to a chaotic home can be exhausting. We recommend these 5-morning tasks to get your day moving in the right direction.
- Make Beds – The first thing you should do before getting ready each morning is make the bed.
As Charles Duhigg notes in his fascinating book, The Power of Habit, “making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense of well-being, and stronger skills at sticking with a budget.” Making your bed is what he calls a “keystone habit,” something that kick-starts a pattern of other good behavior. And since it happens at the very beginning of the day, you’re apt to make better decisions for the remainder of the day thanks to your bed-making routine. - Wipe Counters – After prepping school lunches and breakfast, take a minute to spray your counters and give them a quick wipe so they are clean and crumb-free when you get home after a long day and the family is starving. Check out our Surface Cleaners page here.
- Remove Clutter – Look around for those out-of-place items and either toss them or put them into their rightful place.
- Dishes & Laundry – Start a new load of laundry and load the dishwasher before you head out for the day.
- Floors – If you have a few extra minutes to spare, grab your Quick Shine Hardwood Floor Mop and give your floors a quick dusting.
Just 5 simple tasks each morning will have you fueled for a productive day. Add in a workout and your energy levels will help you to go about your daily activities without getting overly fatigued, and still having the energy to enjoy hobbies.