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6 Rules For A Cleaner Home

blog 6 rules for a cleaner home

Following rules is something we learn at a very young age because rules are a way to help us, right? Stick with these 6 cleaning rules to have your home ready any day of the week for unexpected guests.

1. Clean As If You Are Expecting Company. There is nothing like a knock on the door when you’re not expecting anyone. Panic sets in and you wonder, does my house look okay? Does it smell okay? To alleviate this panic feeling, fluff the pillows, dust mop the floors, and tidy up daily as if you are expecting that knock any minute.

2. Everything Has A Place So Put Everything In Its Place. Shoes, backpacks, dishes, toys, etc. all have a place so don’t leave them at the door or scattered all over the place. Store toys in baskets or totes and keep them in the bedroom or designated play area. Shoes belong in a “shoe closet” or shoe rack. Dishes go in the sink not next to it. You get the point.

3. Do The Dishes Every Night. Don’t wake up to a sink full of dishes. Not only does that cause unnecessary odors in your home, but it weighs on your mind knowing you are leaving for work to come home to a sink full of dishes and a smelly house. Simply clean up right after dinner so you have no worries.

4. Clean As You Go. Why not kill two birds with one stone here. Clean up after dinner and wipe down the stovetop or take some time to wipe down cabinets and appliances. This way you don’t have a huge mess waiting for you after you eat. This rule also applies to your kids as they finish playing with a toy or game. Have them clean up one mess before making another.

5. If It Only Takes A Minute-Do IT! Don’t let toothpaste harden in the sink. It takes two seconds to wipe a sink after brushing your teeth. It only takes a minute to gather dirty clothes and toss them in the laundry room or washing machine. It also doesn’t take long to put away clean laundry. Doing little things like this will free up that daunting chore list without you even realizing it.

6. If You Have Time To Lean, You Have Time To Clean. Ever heard this saying? This rule does not just apply to fast-food restaurants, it applies to the five rules above too. Any opportunity you have to clean something quickly and with little effort, do it. Of course, if you have already cleaned, go ahead and lean!

Happy cleaning friends!

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  1. Posted July 26, 2018 at 6:07 pm

    May I use quick shine multi surface floor finish after stripping the vinylnfloor with trees instant wax remover if I rinse thoroughly

    Reply »
    1. Steven Quick
      Posted July 27, 2018 at 10:20 am

      Hi Lana,

      Yes, you can apply our Quick Shine Finish once your floors are clean and free of previous cleaning residue to assure a good adhesion of our Finish to the floor surface. If you have additional questions, please contact customer service at 800-255-1891. We are always happy to help!

      Reply »

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