Summer Chores for Kids

School’s out for summer! With the crazy school year coming to an end last week, I let my kids enjoy sleeping in and have a little extra technology time. Now that we have entered a full week off, it is time to break some bad habits that have already started.
Let me explain, my son, tends to forage the fridge and leave the trash lying around for someone else to pick up. My daughter on the other hand lives in her room (welcome pre-teen years) so her room is always messy.
As a mom, I can only take so much before I have to deep clean the entire house (hence my career in cleaning). So rather than spending my whole day cleaning up their messes, I am holding them accountable.
There is a five-year age gap between my two children so chores may vary but I find they like to help each other when there is an end goal. These free chore charts are great for keeping track of your child’s chore progress and you can customize each of your child’s chores to coincide with their ages. My kids also love rewards so if they can complete their chores every day all week, they get to pick something special to do on the weekend.
If you are wondering what age-appropriate chores your child should be doing, check out this link from RewardCharts4Kids.
When it comes to a quick cleaning of your floors, let them try out our Quick Shine Spray Mop Kit with Microfiber Pad. This lightweight mop will be a fun and toxic-free way for them to dust or damp mop.
What chores do your kids do to help out around the home? Drop us a comment below.